Tuesday, November 13, 2007



Without a doubt, operating a successful online business is one of the most demanding jobs that you will ever pursue. The variables are such that the element of self discipline comes heavily into play. Most people seem to think that marketing online is just a hobby. You can just get a site, put your name and phone number on that site, and have the money start pouring in. In reality, even a top position on Google means absolutely nothing unless you have a viable product.

If a product is so revolutionary online, then why is that product not stocked on the shelves at Wal-Mart? If that health food product is so good, why do not all the major chains of health foods stock this product as well? You must consider that nearly all the products, goods and services found on Google are not necessarily top level. This is the key to finding a viable business that produces good results, has stability behind that company and does not teach people how to misrepresent the product at every turn.

Marketing online can be a risky business. Conversely, marketing on Google can be extremely rewarding and very substantially monetarily rewarding. Here is the trick. You must do your due diligence to find that company, check them out fully and ask those tough questions before you agree to their terms and conditions. I know that in my research concerning online programs, the policies and procedures of those companies are stated in such a way that say that they can do anything they want to you, at any time they deem it necessary and you will have no recourse at all. In other words, do you wish to spend your hard earned money for something that can vanish just on a whim by one of the leaders? My answer would be hardly.

Its amazing to me in dealing with people online, the number of people just buy something thinking they are going to get rich quick. I have learned from the school of hard knocks that these people have not the discipline, the desire or the motivation that it takes to become successful at anything. They are much better off being satisfied with their job at the Pak-N-Sak, than get into a demanding position on Google.

Its really all about focus and being able to clearly define your objectives and goals. Mindset and visualization is the place to begin any online business. You must never become excited about something just because your buddy tells you how much money he or she is making. In the last 3-4 years of my online experience, I see people come and go very rapidly. These people have picked my brain for info, but not really accomplished anything at all. I have spent hours and hours on the phone with these people lecturing them about how they can become successful, and even told them exactly what they need to achieve said success. Did they do it? Did they take that information and use it to their advantage. NO. They simply wasted my valuable time and energy. I do not go down that road anymore. I am very straight forward and objective with the people that I choose to spend my valuable time with.

Marketing online is a very rewarding career for me in search engine optimization and search engine marketing. I am dedicated to the career that I chose years ago, and will pursue this fully. Anyone, and I mean anyone can do what I do. The question is, are you up for the task?  Are you willing to become highly motivated and focused day by day, working steadily and seeing no real results until the time that you make your dream happen?  That is what marketing on Google is really all about.  Here again, we come to mindset and focus.

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Head Master Distributor for Leadsomatic

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