Wednesday, November 28, 2007



Becoming educated in the ways and means of Google is important to anyone wishing to build an online business. There is no way around the fact that if you are desiring to build a self sustaining online business of some type, you must become knowledgeable in the ways of the net. Most programs, while may be valid, are simply ways to get your money. The offer the moon, but in reality, they give very little knowledge on how to market your program. The reason for this is the fact that they themselves, probably know very little about how Google operates. This may lead you to think a little bit differently before you join any program at all. As a matter of fact, you will be very well informed if I would tell you this insider secret to success online.

If a product or service is so revolutionary, so intensely good, then why is the product only seen on the internet? The bottom line is that all valid products and services are seen offline. If a product that is advertised online as being the best health food on the planet, don't you think that the product would be on every shelf of GNC, WalMart or the other chains of stores? Should you not be able to walk into any major store and purchase that phenomenal new and life saving product?

This is my point. You must become aware that most online companies are designed to do just one thing. They are attempting to compel you to buy something that you really don't need. There. I said it. I believe it. The fact that marketing online is really nothing but people trying to market their new widgets to other people that are compelled to impulsively buy that latest and greatest. It may well indeed be the greatest invention since sliced bread, but you have obviously done without it your whole life, so why buy it now?

I saw the most amazing thing happen just the other day. There is this so-called revolutionary way of marketing. I will not mention the name, but only the service they provide. To become part of this new program, you simply pay $xx.00. This is indeed insulting as you just paid good money to become their lead. The next time that you submit to them anything, you just got charged and exorbitant amount of money on your credit card. In fact, you have just bought a travel package. One that you did not want or need. This incredible new innovation I believe to be nothing buy hype and scam to the nth degree. I am angered by this type of business online. I am a professional seo master. I spend an incredible amount of time writing about leads, lead generation, web conferencing, inspirational books, automated marketing systems and many more topics. I run a straight down the line very successful internet seo business, and now clowns like these are just milking people from their hard earned money.

Who are the losers here? All of us who are attempting to operate legitimate businesses online. We all are the losers when people like these guys go unchecked. I find personal offence when these people get away with out and out deceit in an online business. I personally think they should be severely punished for their ridiculous actions. So, we move into another area. Where do you go to be safe online? What business do you promote that is real and credible and stable? Where do you find the real way to conduct online business where you are educated and informed about the lies, the crap and the hype? Where do you turn to learn to produce your own leads to tell people about your business? Where do you turn for leadership, motivation, inspiration, knowledge and all the essential elements that you need to become successful in an online business?


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