Monday, November 26, 2007

Autoresponder Systems


Automatic Responders

When it comes to online advertising, we all want the same
thing when it comes to promoting our site.

We want more BANG for the buck.

Today's note is about making the most of  "Guaranteed Traffic".

If you don't know what is meant by "Guaranteed Traffic" here is
the short version: has set up agreements with a variety
of sites to purchase their exit traffic.

"Exit Traffic" is what we call the action of someone LEAVING
(or exiting) a web site.

They either close their browser or they leave the site to go to a
different web site. When they do, a new browser window opens up.

This window is commonly referred to as a pop-up or a pop-under
depending on where it comes up on the screen.

We have all seen them, I'm sure. Some of us hate them. Some of us
love them. Some of us don't care. But for internet advertisers,
they can be a valuable resource for gaining web site exposure.

As an advertiser, you can buy a this exit traffic for your own
web site. This means that when that pop-up window comes up, it
will have your web site in it.

One of the big advantages of this type of advertising over banner
advertising, link exchanges, etc... is that your ad shows up as a
full web page instead of a small single line of text or a small
banner graphic.

So... how do you put all of that to best use for you?

The key is to make sure you are promoting a page that does a few things:

1) Loads very quickly.
2) Has an attention grabbing headline or offer
3) Has a form for visitors to fill out so you can follow up with them.

Notice I didn't mention sales?

When you are using visitor generating systems like these, the key is to
capture their information so you can follow up with more information
and make the sale.

One of the biggest mistakes I see people make with these systems is
that they actually send these visitors directly to an order page!

You have to remember that these visitors are not looking for your
offer. They didn't find you on a search engine. They were "dropped off"
on your virtual door step and you need to capture their attention and
their information as quickly as you can.

As an example, I use a very simple (yet very effective) form that most
of you reading this message may remember. It's how you got on this
list to begin with. The URL is:

This page loads quickly.
This page has an attention grabbing  headline/offer.
This page has a form for visitors to request more information.

Once you have those elements in place, there is a step that you
absolutely must not overlook if you want to succeed.

This is a CRITICAL point I am about to make and I want you to be
absolutely sure you do not take it lightly:


I know... you've read that phrase from me several times. And you
are going to read it many more times as we are all doing business
together. The reason is simple. If you get this one concept down
you win. If you do NOT get this one concept down you might get
lucky every once in a while... but NOBODY (including me) is good
enough to let luck control how I spend my advertising money.

When you are popping up a page on someone's browser, your
headline has to be STRONG! Your offer has to be CLEAR and the
BENEFIT of what you are offering has to JUMP OFF THE PAGE at the

If these things aren't happening, the reader simply mutters under
their breath, closes the window, and  moves on to another site.


The Headline is the first thing the readers are going to see.
When you read a paper (or an online news site) your eye quickly
scans the headlines to see what is of interest. If you don't see
something pretty quick, you move on.

Advertising works the same way. When your ad pops up on someone's
browser, they are going to give it a quick look (they have no
choice... it's right in front of them) and if they don't see
something that is of interest to them INSTANTLY they are going to

This is why you must TEST DIFFERENT HEADLINES until you find the
one(s) that work for your offer.

If you are a member of, you can test different headlines
by simply logging in to your back office and going to your Autoresponder.

When you change your report title, you are changing the headline on your
report.html page. Simple!

So... how do you get guaranteed visitors to your web site?

Select a guaranteed traffic package of your choice by going
straight to

My suggestion is to get the largest package you can afford for
your business.


1. Business advertising is a tax deductible expense (consult your
tax advisor).

2. More visitors give you more room to test different headlines.

Personally, I run a few thousand visitors through with the first
headline. If the results are good I leave it alone. If the
results are not good, I change the headline and run a few
thousand more.

I keep repeating that process until things are working the way I
want them to.

And by "working the way I want them to" I mean people are
requesting more information and subscribing to my Autoresponder!

I focus on generating leads, following up, and then closing the
sale on the back end. It's MUCH easier to give away free info and
collect their information for followup in the process than it is
to try and sell them something with one single shot.

Ready to try it out for yourself?

1. Set up your Autoresponder at

2. OR if you have your own domain name, site, etc... set that up.
    You can even add a convenient form to your own web site
    that will subscribe visitors to your autoresponder.

3. Go to our Guaranteed Traffic site at
and select your traffic package.

4. Test... Test.. and TEST SOME MORE!
5.  I also use Veremail for an automatic responder system as well.  Veremail is very flexible,
as is TrafficWave.  I find that the two work in unison that result in effective online marketing.

Yours in success,

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master
fax 806-874-0036

Posted By Butch Hamilton-SEO Expert to What Is Search Engine Marketing? at 10/28/2007 11:22:00 AM

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