Thursday, November 29, 2007

Business Sales Training

Virtual Phone Room Makes Appearance in Jaguar Marketing
Weekly innovations in the already super power of Jag Marketing lead system owners to even more success.  Professional business men and women are viewing Jaguar Marketing as the significant way to earn a six figured income.  This new paradigm shift in business marketing is leading the impressive Jag Marketing Group to even higher levels of success.
The addition of the virtual phone room by Al Turnquist, CEO and Founder of Mentors on a  Mission, Predator and Jaguar Marketing, is making news across Google.  The mega powerful marketing system known Jag is being seen by many corporate level individuals as the best online business to be seen on the internet.  The weekly introductions of new tools and techniques by Mr. Turnquist is a common place occurrence.  The virtual phone room is a training facility whereby sales managers can monitor the activities of account executives.  The phone sales team of any organization is front line to any successful delegation driven business.  These people are committed to making prospect calls to tell them about the features and systems that Jaguar Marketing holds for them.  Having direct contact with these phone pros by the sales manager, leads to more closed sales.  To make the process even more seamless, Al Turnquist is offering a company phone room to train the sales managers.
The addition of the virtual phone room for system owners simply means a more effective way of making sales.  In last night's webinar session with Mr. Turnquist, he offered a scenario of the amount of money that can be made using the room.  His expertise is the sales industry is widespread and his ability to train people in the art of sales closing is known throughout this industry.  This is just one more reason that corporate officials who are actively in the process of wealth creation with Jag, like the program even better.  Jaguar Marketing makes wealth creation from a home business not only a possibility, but a high probability for the system owners who follow the leadership and mentoring of Mr. Al Turnquist.
The paradigm shift of the home business industry is quickly coming to full notice on Google with Jag.  While other programs are touting claims of instant success with no effort, the members of Jaguar are being consistently trained in the arts of search engine optimization, search engine marketing, building fully compatible websites, phone sales closing skills and every other essential element that they require in the process of making substantial and sustaining wealth from an online business.  The catch phrase for Jag is "The Key to Your Financial Future."  This tells the comprehensive story in a clear and concise manner.
The entire core process and the reason that Jaguar Marketing is utterly effective is the fact that Mentors on a Mission is the educational system responsible for teaching and mentoring individuals for maximum effectiveness in creating sales.  This "Make Money or Make Excuses" course is seen by professional business entrepreneurs as the finest internet education ever seen on Google.  People that choose to work consistently with the database of information within the course, magnify their chances not only in closing and making sales, but also living more creative and effective lives.  Al Turnquist is a believer in the process known as visualization.  He teaches members to first create the proper mindset to have the success they are striving for.  Once this mindset is effectively in place, then the process of working the system becomes much clearer.
Jaguar Marketing creates internet warriors who are dedicated and committed to building successful and long lasting businesses the right way.  This message is clearly heard on every training call, every website and every webinar session that is attended by system owners.  The new movie presentation on the home page of all the Jag System websites called "The Cash Flow Seminar," tells a comprehensive story to the whys and hows of Jag.  Much positive feedback from the movie, produced by Mr. Al Turnquist, is being heard across the internet.  Butch Hamilton, Marketing Director and System owner of Phase IV Marketing Group, receives phone calls consistently about the effectiveness of the movie presentation.  He is also seeing great sales prospecting being done by the presentatation.  Mr. Hamilton's seo expertise is known across the internet and he takes full advantage in building a very lucrative and self sustaining business using Jag Marketing.  He is making positive statements about the appeal of this program for business minded individuals seeking to improve the quality and stability of their financial and personal lives.  Mr. Hamilton stands at the ready to answer any and all questions that business professionals have about the program.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036

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