Saturday, November 17, 2007

An Untypical Home Business

A Typical Business and An Untypical Home Business


This morning I went out and had coffee at a popular coffee and bagel franchise. As I ordered my coffee and bagel I observed the owner. The owner was greeting the customers, and then disappeared into the back to assist in making bagels. When the back room no longer needed him he came out front and cleaned up the restaurant. In essence he was all over the restaurant running his business.


The income that he is making is far less than he would make working for someone else. He was doing it all in running his business. This is the typical mindset of many business owners and the same mentality bleeds over to the home business arena. People running a home business are the "Chief cook and bottle washer". Some where in life these people have heard that running a home business is the answer to true wealth creation, so they jump into the small or home business field with both feet.


The purchasers listen to the people selling them the businesses, and believe the hype they are sold. The hype is in the franchise business, and home business as well. When they finally begin to run their business all the hype now becomes null and void. The promises that were made never materialize, because the only focus that the people had in selling the franchise, or home business opportunity had was to sell the product, which was the opportunity. They promise that they will teach the new owner how to run their business, but they are as uneducated about running a home business as the new owner. They only are skilled at teaching people how to be employees in their own business, and selling new opportunities.


Now let's assume that you are interested in buying into a home business opportunity because you understand that running a home business is the answer to financial freedom. You are promised that if you purchase a home business opportunity you will be successful. You watch videos of people standing beside their sports cars that are parked in front of a mansion. The caption reads that you can earn six figures if you by into this home business. You will be able to achieve your dreams and achieve financial independence. You spend your money and buy into the home business. You go to a couple of meetings and then you get tons of material to read. You are also asked to purchase product, if you are selling a product instead of a service.


After giving them your hard earned money you then are left to your devices. You call the person who sold you the home business for help but they are to busy selling another person, and promising great wealth to them. They offer you limited help but make you feel like you are intruding. They refer you to all the manuals and information that you received when you signed up. All of the information that you have received, that would teach you how to run your new six figure business, teaches you how to be an employee in your business and not a CEO.


You now look for another opportunity since you still believe that to achieve your financial freedom you must run your own home business. If all the other people that are advertising their achievements on the internet are making it so can you. You do it again and maybe again only to learn that what you are doing rarely succeeds. This goes on and on with people spending lots of cash from their personal lives. Any time you spend money and get nothing in return you are creating cost and not profits. If you are still working in your regular job while you are trying to get your home business off the ground, you are creating cost against your income. When ever you spend money and get nothing in return you create cost, and also lost opportunity to do something else with the money. If you totaled up all of your cost, and put it in the bank at a reasonable interest rate you would have a sizable amount of money but you don't. All of these losses become cost. What has your lack of business experience cost you?


Enter Dr. Raymond Jewell's Jaguar Marketing System . We have a developed system that enables you to make 10K per week. Yes, that's $10,000 per week! We will teach you how to become a CEO in your home business. We will teach you how to find and hire a sales force to make sales for you. We will teach you how to find and hire a sales manager that will build a sales force for you. You see in the examples above you were taught how to be an employee in your own business. You were taught how to duplicate the business that was sold to you, therefore all you ended up doing was duplicating failure.


We teach you how to be a CEO in your own home business. How to delegate and not duplicate! You learn how to let the business take care of you, instead of you taking care of it. You are taught through a hands on process how to become a success. Wealthy people have coaches, so should you? We coach you to success. Along with hands on assistance our Partner Development Program will insure your success. This is not a MLM or a Network Marketing business , but a fortune 500 business model with a 21 st Century Marketing System. This is not just another run of the mill opportunity, it will make you rich. There are Partners exceeding the 10K Per week income, in a very short period of time.


We make sure that all out Partners follow the system, so if you have a desire to become a system owner in Dr. Raymond Jewell's Jaguar Marketing , [Make sure it's Dr. Raymond Jewells Jaguar Marketing and not someone else's.] or you like the information presented here your next step is to and watch the movie [ Cash Flow Seminar] on the website. If after watching the movie you would like a personal interview, please fill out this form, Click here, one of our staff will contact you ASAP and explain further how our 10K Per week program works. Then you and I will speak and go over any further questions you might have. I must caution you that this system is not for everyone and maybe not right for you. We will make sure that your success is eminent.


Dr. Raymond Jewell


10K Week Income Program

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Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

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