Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Home Business and Tax Benefits

Tax benefits with a home business


Running a home business as many perks. One of the best is being able to deduct on your income tax expense that is centered around your home business. Expenses are everything that you do to run your business. Normally without the ability to deduct expenses on your income tax you are put in the same position as every employee. "Employees pay taxes on the gross and spend the net. As a business owner you spend the gross and pay taxes on the net."


In running your home business there are cost and expenses that you'll incur. These expenses are a cost of doing business and are allowed to be deducted on your tax return. There are many expenses listed in the tax code, and the tax code is very specific as to the benefits you get for running a home business.


One of the best things to do is to find yourself a good tax accountant to advise you in the deductions that you're allowed to take. But beware! Many accounts will not maximize the tax code because they fear a tax audit. The fear of an audit keeps many accountants from taking the full authorize deductions for their clients. This is why you need to get a good tax accountant, and not a regular accountant. Just because an accountant has CPA after their name, doesn't mean that they are a tax accountant.


By running a home business and being allowed to write off all of your expenses you want to make sure that you have an adviser that is aware of how to maximize these expenses to your benefit. Done properly, you will be able to write off all of your expenses for starting up your home business, this way the government will actually pay for your business startup and not you. When you start your business and deduct the cost, your tax obligation for that year is reduced by your deductions. Therefore, you will pay less in taxes and recover the cost of your business startup.


When we bring on a new partner with Dr. Raymond Jewell's Jaguar Marketing [Make sure that it's Dr. Raymond Jewell's Jaguar Marketing otherwise you will not get we make sure that everyone gets good tax advice from our partner accountants. In our 10K per week program, where our partners within a very short period of time are able to get their income up to $10,000.00 per week, all our partners recover their initial investment in their tax savings the first year.


Starting a home business can be very tricky and require due diligence in making sure that you're getting into a business that is fulfilling all of the promises they make. One of the main concerns in starting a home business is that you don't get into a business that is destined for failure right off the bat; consequently you end up losing all of your hard earned money. I have read articles where people criticize the idea that most home businesses fail within a short period of time. This criticism is based on the fact that people who start them do not know what they're doing, nor do the people selling them the home business. When people criticize home businesses it's usually because they failed.


One out of every ten businesses will survive a five year time frame. That means nine out of every ten businesses will fail over that five year time frame. This failure rate is even higher for online home businesses. There are over 12 million home businesses in the United States alone, and 150,000 of them started new each week. This means that there's a high fatality rate, plus many people are running at more than one home business. The reason why these numbers are extremely high is because the people running their home business do not understand how to run a business. Running multiple home businesses is not the way to success, only the way to lose more money. They also do not understand ROI [return on investment] and making sure that their ROI is positive and not negative. Most people spend more money than they make in their home business.


Our 10K per week program takes the guesswork out of starting and/or running a home business. We make sure through our mentoring process that all of our partners are successful and have a very high positive ROI in their home business. How do we do this? We have a state of the art customer service program that tracks all of our partners every step of the way. We make sure that they are on track to achieve the 10K per week results. We also, through our coaching system, use a cloning process to accelerate our partner's success. What this means is that we will duplicate the existing process with our partners letting them learn and realize revenue at the same time. We teach all of our partners how to approach their home business thinking like a CEO and not like an employee. We educate all of our partners to create their own sales force and duplicate efforts while delegating task.


Our system is a lot more involved but with the right partner, who has a desire to excel, success is evident. If you have an interest in either running your own business or being an account executive for us we would love to talk to you.   Simply click here and fill out the form, one of our staff will contact you and discussed this opportunity further.   Taking action is half the battle, the other half we will handle. 


Dr. Raymond Jewell


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Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

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