Saturday, August 11, 2007

Do You Believe That The Financial Institutions Have Your Best Interest At Heart?


Do you believe that the financial institutions have your best interest at heart?




How many times have you put your money away, in a financial institution or at the recommendations of a financial planner , later to discover that what you gave them is less than what they have left?


You see, the financial institutions and the financial representatives operate on a process called cash extraction. This process is centered around the strategy that they must get your money, and they must get in on a systematic an ongoing basis, hang onto it for as long as possible, and give it back as little as possible. If they violate these rules then they're out of business.


Financial freedom is when your wealth works for you and not you working for it. The financial world practices financial freedom at the consumers' expense. They have armies of financial planners running around telling consumers that they need to give them their money on a systematic an ongoing basis, and if they do this they will have growth. Never do they talk about financial freedom as it relates to the consumer but only as it relates to a definition in general.


The people at the top in the financial industries are practicing true financial freedom at your expense. Because they do not have to do anything but make sure that their armies of financial planners instruct you to give them your money. When you give them your money every one at the top takes pieces of your money ou of  your growth and you're left with the rest. Sometimes what is left is less than what you gave them.


When confronted the financial world says "just leave it there you will recover your losses". This is nonsense since leaving it there just gives them the right to take more of it. If you follow their strategies they will win and you will lose.


There is a process that allows you to win in these adverse situations and that is called Personal Economic Coach. Personal Economic Coach allows you to simulate your financial world, see where the mistakes are incorrect them before they happen. It also equip's you to know when you're being taken advantage of or not.


Many clients have gone through this process and have discovered their personal financial freedom. I encourage you, if you have a desire to win financially, to contact us for a free ½ hour telephone call to learn more about this process.


Thank you for reading this article.


Dr. Raymond Jewell


Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

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