Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Are you tied to the Financial Institutions?



In reading many articles and books written by financial planners it is apparent that most of their suggestions seem to tie consumers tightly to the financial institutions. Almost everything that is done centers around the financial institutions in some way or another.


Trying to break these chains is very difficult and hard for the uneducated consumer. You see the consumers think that the financial institutions and financial planners are right and that all the information they are given will lead them to financial freedom. When exactly the opposite is true!


If you look at all of the strategies that are used by the financial institutions and financial planners everything you do will benefit them and not you. Just sit back and ponder what you are told and I bet you, that you are tied closely to their systems.


Now what are some common things to look for?


  • If you have equity in your house and have been asked to remove the equity from your house and pay off credit card debt.
  • If you are transferring money from an interest credit card two a zero interest balance transfer credit card.
  • If you have purchased term insurance or universal/variable life insurance. If you have low deductibles on your, car insurance, homeowners insurance.
  • If you are operating under the premise that using other people's money is a good thing.
  • If you have an adjustable rate mortgage on your home or any other property.
  • If everything you do in some form or another financially involves a financial institution.


These are only a few of the areas that you can get sucked into having the financial institution control you, and not you controlling them. The financial institutions are practicing financial freedom at your expense. [Financial freedom is when your wealth works for you and not you working for it.] The people at the top have you working for them and not them working for you.


How can this change? Personal Economic Coach teaches you how to practice true financial freedom and enables you to use the financial institutions to your benefit and not to their's. Through Personal Economic Coach you will be able to construct a model of your financial world and see where the flaws are. Through Economic simulation these flaws can be exposed and then corrected, leaving you with a successful financial future and not a financial wasteland.


To learn more about Personal Economic Coach go to FinancialFreedomRadio.info and listen to our shows either live or download past episodes. Or go to financial-freedom-insight.com and click on the contact us link and fill out the form. When you fill out the contact us link someone will contact you within a 24 hour time frame to set you up for a ½ hour free consultation.


There is no obligation to learn how you can be more efficient with your current dollars that you're spending. We charge no fees and have no contract's, we simply make our money on commissions, only if we find inefficient dollars that you're spending. We cannot ask you to spend new money, we have to find inefficient dollars that you're losing and put those dollars to growth. Most people are losing anywhere for ten percent to twenty percent of their gross income or revenue to financial inefficiencies and they don't know it. We teach you how to recover these dollars!


Because of this system we are very selective of who we take on as clients. If you have a strong desire to achieve your maximum financial potential and are willing to take the initiative to contact us, and live in the United States, then this is a good indicator of your willingness to correct you're losing strategies.


I look forward to speaking with you.


Dr. Raymond Jewell

Host, FinancialFreedomRadio.info.

Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

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