Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Usana Leads

Did you know that the average US household has over $8,000 in credit card debt? People live from paycheck to paycheck, we don't spend enough time with our children. 40% of us are unsure of what retirement will bring for us. 50% of bankruptcies are brought about by illness bad debt.

Does any of the above ring true to you? Is that why you started your network business with Usana? Were you scared of the economy and where it was heading? I don't think it was the reason that I started with Usana but I was aware that the wellness industry was gaining momentum, not to mention the fact that I am a boomer (did you know we made up one third of the population) and I wanted to make sure I was giving myself a reasonable show of enjoying my latter years. After doing some further research I found it was going to be a trillion dollar industry.

So I went in search of a company that would fulfill my requirements. What was I after? Something that was well established, something with absolutely no hype attached to it, a company experienced in the wellness field, you know the drill I think. Anyway I found a company called Usana, it was founded in 1992 by Dr Myron Wentz. Another thing that impressed me about the company was the fact that they produced all of their own product. There was no outsourcing. So what did that tell me? It showed me that they took responsibility for what they produced. There are a lot of MLM companies who out source and if and when there is a customer complaint they distance themselves from it.

Here is a pertinent point to my story, in 2001 the active customer base had grown from 97,000 to 254,000 in 2007.

So I joined and had an active upline, I took three business positions, it was full ahead steam for me. Or so I thought!

I came to a screeching realization that I needed some leads, that was after I had exhausted my so called warm market. Lots of people thought the products were good and they actually said so but did not want to spend money for something they could get at the drugstore for a lesser price. I will not go into the quality argument here. So I needed customers and/or distributors. The way Usana is structured makes it very hard to build a residual income on customers only. So I needed some leads. So did my upline, so we formed a cooperative, contributed financially and we were going to be OK.

The leads we produced were targeted leads, they filled out lead capture pages for a home business, there was no smoke or mirrors. All through Google Adwords.

Guess what, over a period five or six monthly campaigns, making phone calls religiously and doing all of the right things, I had not progressed.

On one occasion that is firmly embedded in my mind is a business presentation that we all contributed to, it was an after work event and held in the city where most of our prospects worked. We decided to hold the event pretty much straight after work so that it would not impinge on people's family and recreation time. We had all sent invitations and followed up with phone calls to make sure all was on track. We were expecting around 20 people and one person turned up.

Everything as far as the research was concerned was spot on, projected growth etc.

Then it pinged!

That growth from 2001 to 2007 was in active customers, some of that obviously consisted of distributors, however I thought it was worth investigating and went looking for a business based on Customers.

Guess what!

I found one. I do not buy Usana Leads any longer, I buy customers instead. That sounds like its good business to me! So I do not buy any Usana Leads any more I buy customers instead. Go here to find out more. ItsGoodBusiness.net

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