Thursday, October 30, 2008
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008
3,新开阿里巴巴诚信通旺铺 方便企业公司大批量采购 旺铺链接
5, 青远集团美国洛杉矶分公司(星期六工具公司(Saturday Tools Inc.)),
6, 有意加盟青远超市连锁店,商品配送需求者请点击
Please Click to see:
For all Residental; Commercial; Industrial use, national/domestic and international shipping,
as well as network franchise business.
hardware/tools/power related stuff, homedepot/regular 99 cents store stuff, much lower prices everyday.
全 球 84个小型连 锁 超 市地址电话
1 美国洛杉矶埃尔蒙特区沃尔玛街 3903号(EL Monte CA 91731) 001-626-264-0877
2 俄罗斯萨马拉市格罗兹年斯卡亚大街25号 007-8462-510488
中国青 岛 市:
3 团岛分部:青岛市市南区城武路57号-11(台西工商所对面) 82625210
4 东部分部:高田路11号田家花园(大福源西后侧50米) 85734208
5 吴淞路分部:青岛市南区吴淞路33号(良友大酒店斜对面) 82811715
6 大港一路分部:大港一路14号(旧货市场) 83816159
7 益都路分部:青岛市市北区益都路4号 82721947
8 台东分部:市北区德盛路59号(台东六路悦来粥店门前直走100米) 83619163
9 浮山后分部:浮山后四小区66号楼下网点(同兴路168号) 88757083
10 大尧三路分部:青岛市大尧三路13号1单元101室 85845516
11 长沙路分部:青岛市长沙路装饰材料市场三区33号(308国道202号乙-33) 82101929
12 海城源分部:青岛市308国道海城源装饰材料市场A33号 80935233
12 鞍山一路分部:鞍山一路12号甲 83759661
13 海城分部:抚顺路4号(蔬菜批发市场斜对面) 85628249
14 四方分部:人民路346号甲(瑞昌路北侧拐弯处) 84852314
15 商丘路分部:四方区商丘路10号 84889582
16 南丰路分部:四方区南丰路24号-7 84873873
17 李村分部:李村河北村古镇路小吃街4号楼网点4-12号(华隆商厦后院内) 87062205
18 宾川路分部:李沧区宾川路6号南2号门(刘家下河毛公地村北) 87973037
19 洪园分部:青岛崂山区滨海大道与天水路交叉口北侧100米 87973257
20 达翁分部:李沧区书院路达翁市场内C区西2号 81930355
21 沧口分部:沧口区永平路装饰材料市场C区29号(三中斜对面) 84657611
22 埠东分部:辽阳西路高科园装饰城N-25号 88613832
23 沙子口分部:崂山区沙子口家得乐超市对面 88807833
24 王哥庄分部:城阳区王哥庄街道办事处往西400米
25 城阳分部:青岛城阳区正阳街北头城子网点房(城阳区正阳南路12号) 87758421
26 城阳双元路分部:青岛市城阳区双元路628号(李家女姑社区
27 河套分部:城阳区河套镇派出所东58米 87823938
28 上马分部:青岛市城阳区上马镇利客来超市南100米 87932327
∪∩∈∏ の � ぁ §∮��ミ灬ξ№∑⌒ξζω*��ㄨ ≮≯ +
∪∩∈∏ の � ぁ §∮��ミ灬ξ№∑⌒ξζω*��ㄨ ≮≯ +
30 流亭分部:青岛城阳区流亭装饰材料市场内A-19号(原脱谷机厂) 84905352
31 惜福镇分部:青岛城阳区惜福镇王家村社区13#楼网点 87987676
32 夏庄分部:青岛市夏庄镇夏塔路网点(红绿灯往西400米左右)
33 黄岛分部:黄岛开发区武夷山路改造工程综合楼34号网点(海货市场南100米) 86970127
34 黄岛第二分部:青岛黄岛区斋堂岛街与崇明岛西路交叉口三联家电南50米
35 辛安分部:黄岛辛安镇黄河中路226-1号(开拓路叉口东南角东南庄1号楼4#网点) 86814220
36 红石崖分部:黄岛红石崖镇驻地王黄公路与芙蓉路交叉口西50米
37 薛家岛分部:黄岛区薛家岛衡山路17号网点利群商厦南
38 平度分部:平度市常州路南段,青岛路叉口南50米路东 88318793
39 胶南分部:胶南市人民路409号(华德商贸综合楼1号楼6号房,人民医院东500米) 86132537
40 胶南第三分部:青岛胶南市秦皇岛路200号
41 胶南灵山卫分部:青岛胶南市灵海路5128号
42 胶南隐珠分部:青岛胶南市隐珠镇黄海路36号甲
43 胶州分部:胶州市郑州西路38号,郑州西路第一门,长途站西200米 87260319
44 胶州李哥庄分部:青岛胶州市李哥庄香港街180号(第四人民医院北100米) 88286322
45 胶州胶北镇分部:胶州市胶北镇政府南(王庸路与香江大道交叉口南200米路东)
46 王台分部:青岛胶南市环台北路79号王台镇红绿灯(原老转盘)往东100米
47 莱西分部:莱西交通旅馆(长途站)南60米,路东侧.(莱西市青岛路35-5号)
48 莱西姜山分部:莱西姜山镇驻地主街道锦绣公园路东
49 即墨分部:即墨市南泉镇府前路2号三层楼网点(工商所东临)
50 即墨兰村分部:即墨市兰村振兴路197号
烟 台 市:
51 烟台分部:芝罘区芝罘屯路18号(国恩装饰材料市场B区7号) 0535-6249882
52 海阳分部:烟台海阳市海政路129号(三联家电西面,供销集团楼下) 0535-3228283
53 莱山分部:莱山区迎春大街161号(初家路口处)
54 莱山第二分部:烟台市莱山区永盛建材城8号楼-11号
55 莱阳分部:莱阳市中医院正对面广场街西首
∪∩∈∏ の � ぁ §∮��ミ灬ξ№∑⌒ξζω*�∪∩∈∏ の � ぁ §∮��ミ灬
∪∩∈∏ の � ぁ §∮��ミ灬ξ№∑⌒ξζω*�∪∩∈∏ の � ぁ §∮��ミ灬
3,新开阿里巴巴诚信通旺铺 方便企业公司大批量采购 旺铺链接
5, 青远集团美国洛杉矶分公司(星期六工具公司(Saturday Tools Inc.)),
6, 有意加盟青远超市连锁店,商品配送需求者请点击
56 芝罘分部:芝罘区幸福十六村港城建材市场153号
57 福山分部:福山区福海路西侧蒲湾建材市场
58 莱州分部:烟台莱州市西苑路629号
59 招远城南分部:烟台招远市迎宾路迎春街东关装饰城D05号
60 招远城北分部:烟台招远市河东路后柳行红绿灯南100米
61 栖霞分部:烟台栖霞市跃进路309号(汽车站西100米)
62 蓬莱分部:烟台蓬莱市东关路市医院西十字路口南50米路西
潍 坊 市:
63 潍坊诸城分部:诸城市市场街中段,人民路叉口北500米路东 0536-6563987
64 昌邑分部:潍坊昌邑市交通街天水市场东300米路北(交通稽查大队对面)
65 安丘分部:安丘市五里河桥东50米路南
66 高密分部:高密市长丰街农丰村委东50米路南
威 海 市:
67 威海分部:威海市世昌大道104-4号(汽运五公司东恻) 0631-5896392
68 花园路分部:威海市环翠区花园南路48-2号 0631-5229119
69 青岛路分部:威海市青岛中路114号楼南5号
70 沈阳路分部:威海市东涝台沈阳路4号(沈阳路与大连路交叉口北200米路东)
71 蒿泊分部:威海市经区深圳路新都二区1#楼青岛路东100米路南(蒿泊集)
72 张村分部:威海市环翠区张村镇长江街40号(荣丰韩货斜对面)
73 文登分部:文登市义乌小商品批发市场B区1-23号,人民公安斜对面
74 荣成分部:荣成市建业街新庄北区91-22号
德 州 市:
75 德州分部:德州市新湖南路鲁北供水总公司营业厅东20米
76 德州青年路分部:德州市青年路(共青团路823号)
日 照 市:
77 日照分部:日照市兴海路二中西墙外,长途站东南300米 0633-8228513
78 莒县分部:莒县莒州路282号隔壁(老汽车站斜对面)
河 北 省:
79 保定分部:河北省保定市西苑北小区李庄路11-6号
河 南 省:
80 濮阳分部:濮阳市任丘路东段清华苑北门对面
江 苏 省:
81 江苏南通分部:江苏省南通市方天大市场D区209号
江 西 省:
82 江西兴国分部:江西省兴国县将军大道B18栋9-11号
安 徽 省:
83 安徽合肥分部:合肥市五里庙装饰世界(二环路与南淝河路交叉口)
山 西 省:
84 山西晋城分部:山西省晋城市凤台西街市国税局对面
tel:0532-87973217,87973257 夏芳雪,车惠玲(商品订货,配送)
tel:87973257,13001662328 赵明高(加盟店加盟咨询)
雄4.4两雌3.4两 6只 358元
雄4.4两雌3.4两 10只 498元
雄4.9两雌3.9两 10只 728元
雄5.4两雌3.9两 8只 848元
雄5.4两雌3.9两 10只 1038元
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Aquatech China 2009
第二届 荷兰阿姆斯特丹国际水处理展中国展
规模22,000平方米 国际参展50% 海外观众20% 展商满意度94%
◇水处理区:水处理技术与设备、末端净水系统、过程 控制技术与过程自动化等
◇其 它:研究咨询机构、水务、国家展团。
◆上届Aquatech China回顾
上届Aquatech China于2008年5月在上海举办,获得巨大成功,远远超出主办方预期。据权威第三方统计,共有来自22个国家与地区的291家展商展示了当今世界最先进的水处理设备,来自69个国家与地区的14,120专业观众参观了本届水展,展会人气鼎盛,呈现出一派火热景象。较国内其它国内水展,上届AQUATECH CHINA主要呈现出以下几个特点:
Aquatech水展作为全球专业性与综合性并重的水工业大展,其展品范围涵盖了水处理的各个环节。众所周知,输送与储存作为水处理环节不可缺失的重要组成部分,在Aquatech China 2008展会上得到了全面展示,其中包括了各种泵阀、管道及容器等重要设备。一直以来,在国家各个领域的重大工程项目建设中,泵管阀都承担了其最重要的角色。
◇ 各类工程公司及项目集成商:总经理/业主、总工程师、采购经理、技术经理、项目经理
◇ 设计院:院长、总工程师、主任设计师
◇ 分销商及代理商:总经理/业主、销售经理、区域经理、渠道经理
◇ 终端用户: 总经理/业主、技术经理、生产经理、采购经理、环保经理、设备经理
◇ 海外实力买家团组:欧美及亚洲地区
行业包括:化工、食品、制药、饮料、电厂、核电、市政、钢铁、石化、天然气、新能源、矿业、自来水厂、 污水处理厂、造纸、水泥等
地 址:上海市延安西路2633号美丽华商务中心C308室
邮 编:200336
电 话:+86-21-34080329 62706717
传 真:+86-21-34080189
联系人:李 松 先生
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Barrack Obama Truth's
Dr. Raymond Jewell
Skype: rbjewell
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I seek your assistance
It is with heartfelt hope that I write to seek your co-operation and assistance in my desire to invest into Estate properties in your country.i saw your contact when i was doing research.
Briefly, I am an old man and due for retirement at any moment from now after putting many years in civil service as Secretary Ministerial Contract Evaluation and Implementation, in the presidency. And during this past years in the office I was able to secure huge amount of money from over-invoiced Government Contract Bills, through the advantage of my position in the office.
I have been deliberating on how to invest this fund abroad in a confidential manner until I came to a conclusion to use it to buy Estate Properties and lease to people while part of it will be used for non speculative investments in your country as part of measures to secure the betterment
of my retirement future, till I come over to meet with you.
In view of this therefore, I am soliciting your confidence,support and assistance as my partner to claim this fund for the investment project with your name and support from the Security Vault where I deposited it for safe keeping. This is because we civil servants are not allowed to own and operate Dollar Accounts, especially outside the country.
As a matter of fact, to claim this fund remains the vital issue for now which after the successful claim of the fund we can then invest immediately into any Estate Property or any other areas you may consider lucrative in your country or else where.
However, I will be happy to disclose to you the amount to be claimed and invested as soon as I
received your reply,as I expect you to be trustworthy and kind enough to respond positively to my INQUIRY.
If you are willing to assist me kindly send the informations below for onward procedures.
Your Names
Your Private/Mobile Telephone,Fax Numbers
Your Age
Your Occupation
Your Full Address
Best Regards
Friday, October 17, 2008
阳光翻译 Lucinda Translation Services
敬启者/To whom it may concern
Written translation of Various Languages & Specialties
Interpretation on Various Occasions
Localization & Globalization of Websites, Acoustic Materials or Software
顺祝商祺 Best regards
Shanghai Lucinda Translation
ADD 上海东江湾路580弄1号
No.1, Lane 580, Dongjiangwan Lu, Shanghai, PRC
Tel: 86-21-65546880 MP:86-13917514160
英文--中文 120-180元每千字英文
中文--英文 150-200元每千字中文
会展、陪同口译 500-1000元每天
谈判、会议交替传译 400-800元每小时
同声传译 2500-3500元每小时
音响资料翻译 120-300每分钟
Price list
English―Chinese Translation RMB 120-180/1,000 English words
Chinese―English Translation RMB 150-200/1,000 Chinese words
Exhibition and escort interpretation RMB 500-1000/day
Consecutive Interpretation RMB 400-800/hour
Simultaneous Interpretation RMB 2,500-3,500/hour
acoustic materials translation RMB 120-300/minute
Monday, October 13, 2008
Can You Stop This Economic Crisis?
How Will This Economic Crisis Affect You And Can You Stop it?
Many are asking this question and are getting answers that are confusing, illogical, and sometimes downright stupid. We are in an economic crisis and there is little doubt about that. Only anyone that has been on the spaceship Enterprise, lost in space for the forty twenty years would question this.
This economic crisis was caused by lack of regulation, fraud, and outright stupidity. There is that word, stupid again! When the dust settles you will see that even the most highly educated economists, who think they know what to do are doing things that are illogical.
When an individual [Citizens] hear that the leaders of our country are asking for 700 billion dollars they ask intelligent questions, Why? This makes no sense! This is like bailing out an out of control child. Would you throw more money at a child that is totally irresponsible and out of control financially? NO, so why would we do this on such a grand scale. You would go to the cause of the problem and fix it.
To understand this crisis reduce it down to a common denominator, your life and disregard the high-fluting economic language. Translate what congress is trying to do, down to your individual family life. Would you bail out a spoiled child? This particular economic crisis is simply a family matter and requires each individual person to take care of their family.
Congress and Wall Street is the out of control child, and they need to be dealt with in a positive severe way. The Federal Government [Police] will take care of the Wall Street crooks, but you need to take care of your Congress people and Senators. They are your family and need to be sent to "Time Out". You should vote them out of office and send the total Congress a message that what they did is wrong. Many voted to spend 700 billion against the public's wishes. They need to go! The ones that did what they were told should be put on notice!
Now will the crisis affect you, yes? You will need to circle the wagons around your wealth and decide what is a good expense and what is a bad expense. Get focused and back to basics to increase income. Make sure that you are not over extended and that you have control of your money. Keep your money out of markets unless you are a sophisticated investor [If you don't understand that term look it up.] You should embark on a quest to get financial education and look for mentors to back you up. Be prepared because this is the first wave.
The markets have lost value and no one; even the Government knows how to correct the problem, since there are no economic models to follow to assist the people trying to figure it out. They are flying blind in the clouds! The people, who are trying to solve the problem, are just throwing money at the problem in hopes that the problem will go away. It will not!
If it gets worse more fraud will surface and more people will be seen at the root cause of the problem. The problems will end up in the laps of the politicians, including the Executive Branch of our Government. When things get tough, new problems surface. Again with no case study as a guide to follow, everyone is shooting in the dark.
The Second Wave
The second wave will be coming soon and no one is looking at it. This second wave is the "Baby Boomers" who have not yet begun to impact the economy. When the BB's begin to draw Social Security, [They majority will not wait until age 66 to begin to draw they will draw their SS early.] and then sell their homes to move to warmer climates they will impact the financial drain on the treasury like never before.
The "Baby Boomer's" will drain down the treasury quickly and cause the United States to borrow more money to pay bills. [The 700 billion is all borrowed money.] When the BB's decide to sell their homes there are not enough young people to buy the homes so who will they sell to? If they can't sell their homes and the mortgage is to high then they will just abandon their home. Remember they just lost a huge chunk of their retirement in the last several weeks. Who will pick up the slack? When they walk away from their home, who will bail them out? Where will the money come from?
There are 75 million BB's that will impact the economy and they will cause taxes to go up and more levy's on the young. How do you deal with it? Put your money in Gold, Collectables, Whole Life Insurance, and any other instruments that are inflation friendly. Keep your money away from markets except the supermarkets but buy groceries prudently. Focus on building a home business and taking control of your financial destiny but don't fall for the hype of failed business models that will only take your money.
Is there a silver lining? Everyone wants to have a "Happily ever after ending or future scenario" but that will only happen when you take back control of your family [Congress] and kick the Politicians out of office, replace them with people who will listen to you. This is a process and will not happen over night, but your focus is to get rid of the people who are supposed to be representing you but are only representing their own self interest. Also vote for a President that will not turn our economy into a Socialistic Economy. For you to become successful you will want to continue a Capitalistic Economy.
Now for the final solution. We need to get off foreign oil and stop sending our capital off shore. We send over 500 billion dollars per year to foreign countries who don't like us. Whenever we have an increase in our life style the price of oil goes up and the foreign countries suck out the profit from our economy. We need to keep the money within our borders, since it does us no good when it goes overseas. Every time we lose control of our money in our borders we have to either print more money or borrow from the same sources that took it out of the country. Go to www.PickensPlan and read about how to stop foreign countries from sucking out our wealth. I mean read it and watch the videos and join T. Boone Pickens Army to fix the problem. The solution is in your hands and will affect you in a negative way if you do nothing, and a positive way if you take action.
Thanks for reading
Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Advisor
--Dr. Raymond Jewell
Skype: rbjewell
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
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Thursday, October 9, 2008
How To Get The U.S. Out of Debt
Finally someone has come up with a plan that will put this country back on a positive financial footing.
Here are the facts! The United States spends billions of dollars for access to foreign oil [When the cost of oil was at its highest the money leaving out country was approximately 700 billion dollars.]. When money leaves our country for whatever reason it is money out of circulation within our borders. That means there is less money that passes hands between the citizens of the United States.
When we import oil from other countries we pay for it with the United States Currency [dollar], and the currency leaves our control. Even though the currency has value, when it leaves our control it is now spent on goods and services through out the world. It is sometimes spent within our borders, by foreign countries, with profits being extracted to the foreign countries from the U.S. As we spend our money for oil that leaves our country, our internal supply of money is depleted, which requires us to print more money and create inflation. As prices go up the cost of oil goes up, and the inflated value of money gets sucked out of our Country, thus creating a vicious economic cycle.
When the money is spent throughout the world the United States is now being forced to prop up a currency that is not benefiting the United States directly, but benefiting the countries that it is being converted in. It gets a little more complicated than this but the fact remains that when the lifeblood of our country is extracted [currency], through the purchase of foreign oil we are forced to run up debt to maintain our country, or print more money.
[Its like having money in a 401k retirement plan that has penalties for early withdrawal, and you need a new car. When your money is tied up you can't use it for needed things you have to borrow to buy a car. You are forced to run up debt to pay your bills. This is the same thing. We have currency in the world but not benefiting the people in the United States. It is locked up in other countries and not benefiting the Federal Government or the People.]
If we were able to keep the money we spend for oil, by producing and using our own oil reserves [Capped oil wells that are not producing.], we would reverse the negative economic trend and keep the money within our borders, which would allow us to then spend it on our own goods and services, which would enable us to get out of debt. When our Country was great we focused on keeping the majority of our wealth within our borders and only imported what we needed. We are not the basis for the global economy!
Mr. T. Boone Pickens has put together a plan to wean us off of foreign oil, and get us back on track, as being a strong and vibrant economy. His plan is to use the oil we already have temporally while we are developing alternative forms of energy. Whether you know it or not the United States has the largest source of natural gas deposits in the world and can replace the internal structure to run on compressed natural gas, [CNG] instead of oil. Many automobiles can convert to compressed natural gas and become more efficient with a dramatic reduction in price per gallon.
Mr. Pickens plan calls for wind driven electricity and other alternative sources of energy. He has a plan and needs millions of people to sign on to the plan so he can get the attention of the bureaucrats in Washington to make it happen. If you are interested you should go to and sign up. There is a huge community that has come together. There is an enormous amount of information to teach you about this problem and how to solve it.
When I first heard about this program I thought that it was a bunch of "tree huggers" that were just trying to persuade people to join their cause. But as a result of this current economic crisis it is evident that we need to get this country out of debt. We need to become strong in the world again and get rid of the people in Washington who just want to create more problems. I finally realized that getting off foreign oil is the only way to get our country out of debt and back to the powerful country that we once were. We will be able to create over 5,000,000 energy green jobs and use the internal wealth to rebuild our depleting infrastructure in our Country that has been decaying over the years. We have the solution, now we need the people to join in and not be complacent.
Please go to and join this cause to save America.
Thanks for reading
Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Advisor
--Dr. Raymond Jewell
Skype: rbjewell
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Come join me on PickensPlan

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Obama: Avoids the Truth...
The years he won't discuss may explain the Ayers tie he keeps lying about.
By Andrew C. McCarthy
Barack Obama does not want to talk about Columbia. Not even to his good friends at the New York Times, who've so reliably helped him bleach away his past — a past neck-deep in the hard Left radicalism he has gussied up but never abandoned. Why? I suspect it is because Columbia would shred his thin post-partisan camouflage. |
Skype: rbjewell